Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Happenstance Conversation

You never know quite who you'll meet these days. Sometimes, you could bump into someone who seems a lot like you and they're orthagonal in a way. Othertimes you'll have the eerie but comforting feeling that the person you meet is a bizarro version of you from some other part of the overall diagram. I suppose that's the upshot: who's to say that you're you and I'm me when we've both got wings and places to be? It's a beautiful thing.


Blogger laura b. said...

it's the space right there between the noses that interests me. i think the circles represent:

a: what is appropriate
b: what is honest
c: what will happen

1:23 PM  
Blogger Hillary Schuster said...

wait, is this about us?

7:56 AM  
Blogger Fastener Puller said...

It could well be about us, since we are both escapees from the same military expereiment to create nice badasses.

4:16 PM  
Blogger Fastener Puller said...

Wow I like those sectors, because the intersections are interesting.

a/b: things that are appropriate, and honest, but will not happen.

a/c: things that are appropriate, that happen, but aren't honest (?)

b/c: inappropriate but honest things that go ahead and happen anyway.

4:22 PM  
Blogger laura b. said...


i think of a/c more in terms of subverting what's honest to achieve something appropriate.

for instance, not buying a 2002 in san jose because it makes less sense than buying the mint condition toyota camry with 5,000 miles on it that your next door neighbor is selling for half the price.

i swear that when i thought of this example it was not intended as a metaphor :)


3:08 PM  

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